Posted by Peter on 3-18 7:52 pm
Tags: Abilify, allow competition-free drugmakers to charge whatever prices they want for their meds, approvals the FDA doled out, bad thing, best-sellers, can help get a treatment to additional patients, Crestor, driving up prices, drugs with multiple orphan green lights, financial incentives, Herceptin, Humira, incentives, industry lobby groups, large-market products, makers snagged millions in government incentives, mass-market drugmakers rack up millions, monopoly pricing, orphan drug development, patent-protected profits, rare diseases, repurposed, resubmitted their therapies as treatments for smaller populations, seven years of exclusive rights on the market, system that was created with good intent being hijacked, tax breaks, tragically killing and brutalizing children, unsurprisingly in favor of maintaining the status quo
The Industry