The untold story of TV’s first prescription drug ad
Posted by Peter on 3-10 1:10 am
Tags: ad’s airing, ads encourage patients to seek medicines unnecessarily, aired the first broadcast television commercial, AMA, American exceptionalism, American Medical Association, Boots Pharmaceuticals, cease-and-desist letter, consumer, doctors, drug ads banned, drug maker’s main customers, FDA’s regulations, federal government, federal officials, fight over marketing prescription drugs directly to the public is still raging, First Amendment, governed drug promotions, l face plenty of obstacles, largest doctors group, pain reliever, part of the American landscape, prescription drug, reiterated that the ad needed fair balance, Rufen, ship has long sailed, standard for an accurate assessment of a drug’s risks and benefits, tobacco ads, too late to roll it back, United States, wants to stop direct-to-consumer advertising for prescription drugs
The Industry