- Medication Errors: 2019, The Year in Review – January to December 2019 (pharmacypracticenews.com)
- Safety Issues Related to Labeling, Packaging, and Nomenclature
- Safety Issues Associated With Order Communication and Documentation
- Problems Involving Drug Information, Patient Information, Patient Education, and Staff Education
- Safety Issues Related to Medical Devices and Equipment
- Other Discussion Items
- SMP’s Targeted Medication Safety Best Practices for Hospitals...READ MORE
- Track-and-trace requirements go into effect on Friday (pharmacist.com)
Starting Friday, November 27, 2020, pharmacies must buy and sell only products with a required “product identifier” on their packages. This requirement is part of the phased-in implementation of the Drug Supply Chain Security Act of 2013, also known as the “track-and-trace” law. By Friday, dispensers should be familiar with this requirement and know what to do if a product identifier is not on the package when they receive products that require it. The product identifier is on most drug packages in both human-readable format and on a machine-readable 2D data matrix barcode...“The challenge for dispensers is that not all drug product packages are required to have a product identifier, and there is no central database to check if a product should have one,”...READ MORE
- FIP moves primary health care agenda in the European Region forward with new report (fip.org)FIP Regional Conference for the European RegionDelivering primary health care: Pharmacists taking the next leap forward (fip.org)
Needs in the European Region in order for pharmacy to deliver breakthroughs for better primary health care are described in a new report...The report summarises the key messages from a conference for the European Region, held by FIP in collaboration the Turkish Pharmacists’ Association in 2019, which facilitated mapping and prioritisation of pharmaceutical practice, service, education and workforce development needs in the context of primary health care. At that conference, pharmacy leaders and pharmacists representing 37 countries in the region committed to deliver better primary health care through pharmacy, and the report presents findings of a survey of FIP member organisations conducted between June and September 2020 to evaluate national pharmacy priorities and strategies towards the implementation of that commitment...READ MORE
- Pharmacists Feel Overworked, Face More Discrimination (drugtopics.com)2019 National Pharmacist Workforce Study (aacp.org)
Pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and other pharmacy staff felt overtaxed even before the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic hit, according to findings from the 2019 National Pharmacist Workforce Study. The survey results showed that 69% of full-time pharmacists reported that their workload “increased” or “greatly increased” compared with the prior year...Although the profession is much more racially and gender diverse than in previous years, pharmacy staff reported age, race, and gender discrimination...Among full-time, actively practicing pharmacists, 71% rated their workload level at their primary place of employment as “high” or “excessively high” in 2019, compared with 66% and 68% of full-time pharmacists in 2014 and 2009, respectively...READ MORE
- New CMS interoperability rule would streamline prior authorization processes (healthcareitnews.com)
The U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a proposed rule Thursday aimed at improving the electronic exchange of healthcare data among payers, providers and patients...The rule would require Medicaid, CHIP and QHP programs to build HL7 FHIR-based APIs to support data exchange and prior authorization. It also includes a proposed API standard for healthcare operations nationwide...The proposed rule seeks to enhance the patient access API by requiring the use of specific HL7 implementation guides by impacted payers...READ MORE
- FIP expert group issues advice on COVID-19 tests (fip.org)COVID-19:Evaluation of diagnostic testing methods and devices (fip.org)
To help pharmacists advise people on COVID-19 tests, FIP has...issued a guidance document produced by its SARS-CoV-2 Testing Working Group, which has evaluated the diagnostic testing methods and devices currently available...The document covers how different types of diagnostic tests work and the interpretation of results. It also addresses the question of whether or not the presence of antibodies confers immunity to SARS-CoV-2, and makes recommendations on information to give to patients who have tested positive or negative...READ MORE
- FIP calls for focus on pharmacy remuneration (fip.org)
Pharmacist remuneration models in ever-evolving healthcare settings must be examined if global health is to be supported...“A common concern among pharmacy associations worldwide is the long-term financial viability of professional services delivered by pharmacists. These concerns are first and foremost triggered by the impacts of continued price and margin cuts in dispensing of medicines and the non-allocation of funding in many settings for extended professional services and social care,”...“A successful remuneration model is one that promotes sustainable delivery of professional services. These should be integrated into broader health system strategies and, therefore, funding plans...READ MORE
- Aetna pilot harnesses CVS pharmacists to address Medicaid members’ social needs (fiercehealthcare.com)
A new Aetna pilot program aims to harness its parent company's pharmacy reach to help address members' social needs...Through the HealthTag initiative, CVS Health pharmacists and pharmacy employees are empowered to offer more personalized information when Aetna Medicaid members come to pick up prescriptions, providing the members with health information beyond how to take their medications appropriately...Inside the prescription bag, members are provided additional details on how to access community services to address social concerns like food, housing or transportation. The network of these organizations is backed by Unite Us, a social care coordination program...Aetna will pilot the program at CVS pharmacies in West Virginia and Louisiana...READ MORE
- NHS England report calls for law to require greater sharing of patient data (healthcareitnews.com)
A draft NHS England report on overprescribing leaked to HSJ [paywall], proposes that the law should require wider access to healthcare data, in a bid to improve patient safety...The review carried out for health secretary, Matt Hancock, highlights the issue of poor interoperability between NHS computer systems, which means clinicians cannot see or understand what medications patients are taking or when a medication should be reviewed...According to report author, chief pharmaceutical officer Keith Ridge, prescribers should be identified in the electronic health record so they can be contacted by other clinicians. He adds that a free-text box should be created in EHRs so clinicians can explain why a certain medication has been prescribed...READ MORE
- Experts Examine the Many Factors of Pharmacist Burnout (drugtopics.com)
Professional burnout among pharmacists, already a growing concern in the United States, could be exacerbated by the coronavirus disease 2019 crisis. The current pandemic strains pharmacy capacity and exposes persistent underlying problems, according to 3 experts on pharmacy burnout...A national survey of more than 4700 pharmacist concluded that, although more than half (54.2%) of respondents reported meaningful work, 32% and 33% also said they felt “a lot” or “totally” emotionally and physically exhausted. Community pharmacists demonstrated higher rates of work exhaustion and interpersonal disengagement, as well as lower levels of professional fulfillment, compared with those practicing in hospitals and other work settings...READ MORE