- New Machine Learning Tool Can Predict Adverse Drug Effects (drugtopics.com)Development of an adverse drug event network to predict drug toxicity (sciencedirect.com)
A new computer algorithm might be the next step toward accurate prediction of adverse drug reactions..Researchers from Harvard Medical School and the Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research announced the creation of an open-source machine learning tool capable of predicting drug adverse effects (Aes)...The study, published in The Lancet journal EBioMedicine, examined 2 databases: 1 that reported adverse drug reactions and another with 184 proteins that specific drugs are known to interact with. Investigators constructed a computer algorithm to develop associations between the drug reactions and the 184 individual proteins...The algorithm discovered 221 associations, some known and some new. These associations indicated which proteins contribute to certain AEs and which may not...The new algorithm could help predict these AEs before the drug goes to human clinical trials, as well as before and after it enters the market...READ MORE
- DNA4Life announces U.S. launch of its pharmacogenetics report (drugstorenews.com)
DNA4Life announced the…launch of its Pharmacogenetic Report, which will be available…to patients… DNA4Life’s test analyzes a person’s DNA to predict how they will respond to 120 commonly prescribed medication. One of the main goals of pharmacogenetics is avoiding adverse drug reaction…"Our differentiated and more comprehensive analysis will assist healthcare professionals in customizing a personalized treatment plan for their patients…particularly those being treated for chronic conditions, like high cholesterol, depression, ADHD or pain."