- ICD-10: Who’s in the Family of Codes? (healthleadersmedia.com)
CMS has said it will not deny or audit claims just for specificity for one year after implementation of ICD-10—as long as the code is from the appropriate family of ICD-10 codes. But it has not defined what a family of codes is… To get AMA to cease and desist its defiance, CMS gave AMA something it wanted: no penalties for some coding errors...
- AHA raises alarm on proposed Medicare quality metrics (modernhealthcare.com)
Providers are hoping that the CMS will change course on quality-measure reporting requirements outlined in a proposed 2016 prospective payment rule for acute and long-term-care hospitals….the suggested quality measures lack endorsement by the National Quality Forum,…the gold standard for endorsing best practices…
- New CMS rules may spur EHR uptake (healthcareitnews.com)
Long-term care's digital moment?...Proposed new rules for long-term care released…could spur an uptake of electronic health records by nursing homes across the country…
- Stage 3 meaningful use ignores market realities, says Brookings (healthcareitnews.com)
third stage of meaningful use,..the requirements for greater participation of doctors and hospitals, is now coming under even more fire than the program has seen in the past…requires providers to send electronic summaries for 50 % of patients they refer…,receive summaries for 40% of patients that are referred...reconcile past patient data with current reports for 80% of such patients.