- As U.S. insurers aim to get bigger, hospitals eye health plan entry (reuters.com)
As U.S. health insurers chart an unprecedented consolidation of the industry, hospitals are taking a fresh look at becoming insurers themselves to keep more of their patients' healthcare dollars in house… some hospitals are concerned about the impact of this consolidation in their local markets, and are considering offering their own insurance plans… Many hospital systems have also been buying up individual doctor practices, as well as rehabilitation and skilled nursing facilities, which give them a broader network of services…Among for-profit hospital operators, Tenet Healthcare Corp operates six health plans…
- Tricare to change policy on long-term prescriptions (militarytimes.com)
Starting Oct. 1, Tricare beneficiaries with long-term prescriptions for brand-name medications to treat chronic conditions will need to fill them by mail or through a military pharmacy…will not apply to prescriptions for generic drugs, for drugs prescribed to treat acute illnesses and for prescriptions covered by other medical insurance,…the government pays 32 percent less for brand-name maintenance medications filled by mail or through military pharmacies than at retail stores...
- Health Law Revision Is Approved (nytimes.com)
Senate passed legislation…intended to protect small and midsize businesses from increases in health insurance premiums…The bill,…eliminates a provision of the law that would have imposed tough, potentially costly new requirements on businesses with 51 to 100 employees…"This bill will make a helpful adjustment to the Affordable Care Act for small and midsize businesses by limiting potential premium increases and letting states determine what’s best for their market,"…
- American Association of Diabetes Educators calls for provider status (drugstorenews.com)
… American Association of Diabetes Educators called on Congress to pass…two…bills, H.R. 1726, and S. 1345, which are known as The Access To Quality Diabetes Education Act of 2015…would amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to recognize credentialed diabetes educators as providers of diabetes education services, including tele-health services, under part B of the Medicare program.
- Congress joins growing chorus pressing for delay of meaningful use Stage 3 (healthcareitnews.com)
'Many are becoming disenchanted by the seemingly unrealistic expectations'…Refrain from finalizing Meaningful Use Stage 3, wrote 100 members of Congress in a September 28 letter to...director of the Office of Management and Budget, and HHS Secretary..."We believe that additional time is necessary for the proper evaluation and optimization of implemented technology to insure the technology can ensure better quality care for all patients,"... "We believe that the Stage 3 rule should be paused as it should rely on proven technology – designed outside the limitations of current federal requirements – that can support a shift to outcomes and interoperability rather than measures and objectives,"...