- Pricing Power – Big pharmacies are dismantling the industry that keeps US drug costs even sort-of under control (qz.com)
When US lawmakers convened a hearing last month to discuss the pricing of prescription drugs, it was the testimony of Martin Shkreli...that garnered the headlines. But the hearing also looked at an issue that...could make drugs more expensive for far more people…The impetus was October’s announcement from Walgreens...that it was buying Rite Aid...Critics said that would create a drugstore duopoly with CVS, the market leader. They didn’t, however, look as hard at another effect of the deal, which likely will bring about the final collapse of the industry tasked with keeping prescription-drug costs under control...Buried inside Rite Aid is a bundle of pharmacy benefit managers...Walgreens says that acquiring Rite Aid’s PBMs would help it compete with arch-rival CVS, which controls a large and extremely profitable PBM called Caremark...combining pharmacies and PBMs under one roof creates a conflict of interest. It can restrict patients’ access to certain prescription drugs, and can prevent independent drugstores from competing fairly for new customers...As "competition decreases,"..."prices are going to increase. That’s what we’re finding now." If Walgreens successfully acquires Rite Aid and its PBMs, one of the industry’s last remaining constraints on drug prices will disappear.
- Angered by Walgreens deal, Express Scripts blocks access to Valeant’s Glumetza (fiercepharma.com)
PBM giant Express Scripts has long been a leader in the fight to tamp down drug prices, and now, it's using its formulary power to freeze out a diabetes drug from controversial Valeant...The company will exclude the Canadian drugmaker's Glumetza--an extended-release, brand-name version of generic med metformin--as soon as copycats become available on Feb. 1...Valeant hiked the price of Glumetza by more than 800% in 2015, Express Scripts says; as of July 31, the drug's list price stood at $10,020 for 90 tablets, up from $896 in January 2013..."By excluding Glumetza from these formularies, Express Scripts clients are ensuring that their patients be dispensed the more affordable generic formulation of metformin,"...noting that "branded Glumetza will not be allowed to process" under any circumstances.
- Big Pharma gets data for discounts (politico.com)
Attention patients! The side effects of your discounted drugs may include drowsiness, nausea — and a loss of privacy...Drug companies are increasingly offering price discounts and subsidies to patients in exchange for their medical data. The details of that exchange can be easy to miss: They're in the fine print...As the frequency of such arrangements grows, along with the price of certain drugs, the deals are causing discomfort about the uses of intimate health details by drug companies...Such programs are part of a growing appetite for patient data in the health care sphere among pharmacies, pharmacy benefit managers, app makers and others. Walgreens and CVS both have begun offering customer goodies in exchange for personal data...Pharmacies across the US are dangling perks to coax their customers to relinquish all sorts of personal data about their health...Companies use data to understand how a drug is performing across a population, but also to gain insight for marketing to, or communicating with individual patients...
- Walgreens on Las Vegas Strip draws eight-figure sales price (staradvertiser.com)
...this Walgreens isn't your usual neighborhood pharmacy…Then again, it's not in a typical neighborhood. It's on the Strip, and investors have again paid big money for the building in America's gambling and party mecca…The 1.6-acre property, on Las Vegas Boulevard at Convention Center Drive, sold for $37 million on Friday, up 33 percent from what the sellers paid in 2012.
- Retail Pharmacy Clinics: Top Players and the Coming 2016 Pause (drugchannels.net)
As low-cost generics come to dominate retail dispensing activity, clinics have emerged as a way for drugstores and other retail pharmacy outlets to diversify into non-dispensing revenues...There are now about 2,000 retail clinics. Below, I examine the chains with the biggest market share: CVS Health, HEB, Kroger, Rite Aid, Target, Walgreens, and Walmart...In 2015, the number of clinics grew slowly. In 2016, I project another year of slow growth as the big players retrench...
- CVS Health’s MinuteClinic remains the largest and fastest-growing retail clinic business, now operating more than half of all retail clinics.
- Walgreens is the second-largest retail clinic operator, with more than 400 Healthcare Clinics (formerly Take Care clinics). The number of clinics in Walgreens retail stores declined in 2015.
- Kroger has emerged as the third-largest retail clinic operator with its Little Clinic business, which operates inside nearly 200 Kroger, Dillon’s, Fry's, JayC, and King Soopers stores.
- Rite Aid changed its clinic strategy with the 2014 acquisition of RediClinic. As of January 2016, Rite Aid operated 41 RediClinics....a further 35 retail locations.. in HEB grocery stores...At 14 Rite Aid locations, the company leases space to other clinic operators...
- Walmart launched its own Care Clinics in 2014. There are now 17 Care Clinics in Walmart stores...Walmart also leases space to independently owned and operated Clinic at Walmart operators...operate inside 73 Walmart stores.
- Drugstores galore: Another CVS being built on the Las Vegas Strip (vegasinc.com)
The drugstore arms race on the Strip is ratcheting up another notch...Workers are building a roughly 20,190-square-foot CVS store near the southeast corner of Las Vegas Boulevard and Flamingo Road, in front of Bally’s. The two-story property will have a pharmacy and is scheduled to open in May…It’s the latest Walgreens or CVS to land in the famed tourist-packed casino corridor, where the drugstores make big money — and pay big rents — selling medicine, food, alcohol and such Vegas-themed souvenirs as shot glasses, margarita cups, ash trays and gallon-sized flasks...This lucrative slice of commerce on the boulevard is only growing...CVS opened a store last year in the new three-story mall at Treasure Island and now has four outposts in the resort corridor, including the one at Bally’s.
- What’s next for Valeant? (video.cnbc.com)Valeant in new distribution deal with Walgreens (modernhealthcare.com)Walgreens and Valeant Devise a New Twist on Preferred Pharmacy Networks (drugchannels.net)
CNBC's Meg Tirrell talks to Valeant CEO J. Michael Pearson about the company's new distribution deal with Walgreens...
- Walgreens launches two programs to help address opioid abuse (drugstorenews.com)DEA Administrator Chuck Rosenberg Statement on Walgreens’ Prescription Drug Take Back Initiative (dea.gov)
Walgreens...announced the launch of a new effort to combat drug abuse, introducing two programs that address contributors to the crisis.
- ...Walgreens will install safe medication disposal kiosks in more than 500 drug stores in 39 states and Washington, D.C., primarily at locations open 24 hours. The program will make the disposal of medications — including opioids and other controlled substances — easier and more convenient while helping to reduce the misuse of medications and the rise in overdose deaths.
- Walgreens also will make naloxone...available without a prescription at its pharmacies in 35 states and Washington, D.C., rolling out the program state-by-state throughout this year.
- Few Consequences For Health Privacy Law’s Repeat Offenders (propublica.org)HIPAA Helper - Who is Revealing Your Private Medical Information? (projects.propublica.org)HHS - OCR - Breach Portal: Notice to the Secretary of HHS Breach of Unsecured Protected Health Information (ocrportal.hhs.gov)
Repeat HIPAA Violators - These health providers have the most privacy complaints that resulted in corrective-action plans or “technical assistance” being provided by the OCR from 2011 to 2014.
Regulators have logged dozens, even hundreds, of complaints against some health providers for violating federal patient privacy law. Warnings are doled out privately, but sanctions are imposed only rarely. Companies say they take privacy seriously...CVS is among hundreds of health providers nationwide that repeatedly violated the federal patient privacy law known as HIPAA between 2011 and 2014...Other well-known repeat offenders include the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Walgreens, Kaiser Permanente and Walmart...I don’t like the idea of repeat offenders not being called to task for that behavior and I would like to see us doing more in this regard...The number of health information privacy complaints submitted to the Office for Civil Rights within the Department of Health and Human Services has increased dramatically in recent years, in part because of the introduction of an online complaint portal...Using data provided by OCR under the Freedom of Information Act, ProPublica is launching a new tool, HIPAA Helper, which allows users to look up reports of privacy violations by provider for the first time. OCR’s material often referred to the same entities by multiple names. CVS was listed as “CVS,” “Pharmacy, CVS,” “Caremark, CVS,” “CVS Caremark”...We have standardized organizations’ names to make searching easier.
- HHS partners with pharmacies to enroll more people in ObamaCare (pharmacist.com)HHS partners with nation’s largest pharmacies to promote Health Insurance Marketplace (hhs.gov)
Partners represent more than 38,000 pharmacies across the country...Department of Health & Human Services announced that it is partnering with pharmacies across the United States in an effort to sign up more individuals for ObamaCare health coverage for 2016 as the deadline fast approaches...Participating pharmacies, including CVS Health, Good Neighbor Pharmacy, Thrifty White, Rite Aid, and Walgreens, will make people aware of health insurance options through the online health insurance marketplace...Participating pharmacies will have trained enrollment personnel available to work directly with consumers in the stores. Pharmacies will also host local enrollment events and distribute educational resources about their health insurance options through the online marketplace...